Paper ID: 2104.10853
InstantNet: Automated Generation and Deployment of Instantaneously Switchable-Precision Networks
Yonggan Fu, Zhongzhi Yu, Yongan Zhang, Yifan Jiang, Chaojian Li, Yongyuan Liang, Mingchao Jiang, Zhangyang Wang, Yingyan Celine Lin
The promise of Deep Neural Network (DNN) powered Internet of Thing (IoT) devices has motivated a tremendous demand for automated solutions to enable fast development and deployment of efficient (1) DNNs equipped with instantaneous accuracy-efficiency trade-off capability to accommodate the time-varying resources at IoT devices and (2) dataflows to optimize DNNs' execution efficiency on different devices. Therefore, we propose InstantNet to automatically generate and deploy instantaneously switchable-precision networks which operate at variable bit-widths. Extensive experiments show that the proposed InstantNet consistently outperforms state-of-the-art designs.
Submitted: Apr 22, 2021