Paper ID: 2112.04785
VMAgent: Scheduling Simulator for Reinforcement Learning
Junjie Sheng, Shengliang Cai, Haochuan Cui, Wenhao Li, Yun Hua, Bo Jin, Wenli Zhou, Yiqiu Hu, Lei Zhu, Qian Peng, Hongyuan Zha, Xiangfeng Wang
A novel simulator called VMAgent is introduced to help RL researchers better explore new methods, especially for virtual machine scheduling. VMAgent is inspired by practical virtual machine (VM) scheduling tasks and provides an efficient simulation platform that can reflect the real situations of cloud computing. Three scenarios (fading, recovering, and expansion) are concluded from practical cloud computing and corresponds to many reinforcement learning challenges (high dimensional state and action spaces, high non-stationarity, and life-long demand). VMAgent provides flexible configurations for RL researchers to design their customized scheduling environments considering different problem features. From the VM scheduling perspective, VMAgent also helps to explore better learning-based scheduling solutions.
Submitted: Dec 9, 2021