Paper ID: 2201.12044
Generative GaitNet
Jungnam Park, Sehee Min, Phil Sik Chang, Jaedong Lee, Moonseok Park, Jehee Lee
Understanding the relation between anatomy andgait is key to successful predictive gait simulation. Inthis paper, we present Generative GaitNet, which isa novel network architecture based on deep reinforce-ment learning for controlling a comprehensive, full-body, musculoskeletal model with 304 Hill-type mus-culotendons. The Generative Gait is a pre-trained, in-tegrated system of artificial neural networks learnedin a 618-dimensional continuous domain of anatomyconditions (e.g., mass distribution, body proportion,bone deformity, and muscle deficits) and gait condi-tions (e.g., stride and cadence). The pre-trained Gait-Net takes anatomy and gait conditions as input andgenerates a series of gait cycles appropriate to theconditions through physics-based simulation. We willdemonstrate the efficacy and expressive power of Gen-erative GaitNet to generate a variety of healthy andpathologic human gaits in real-time physics-based sim-ulation.
Submitted: Jan 28, 2022