Paper ID: 2205.04948

Transformer-based Cross-Modal Recipe Embeddings with Large Batch Training

Jing Yang, Junwen Chen, Keiji Yanai

In this paper, we present a cross-modal recipe retrieval framework, Transformer-based Network for Large Batch Training (TNLBT), which is inspired by ACME~(Adversarial Cross-Modal Embedding) and H-T~(Hierarchical Transformer). TNLBT aims to accomplish retrieval tasks while generating images from recipe embeddings. We apply the Hierarchical Transformer-based recipe text encoder, the Vision Transformer~(ViT)-based recipe image encoder, and an adversarial network architecture to enable better cross-modal embedding learning for recipe texts and images. In addition, we use self-supervised learning to exploit the rich information in the recipe texts having no corresponding images. Since contrastive learning could benefit from a larger batch size according to the recent literature on self-supervised learning, we adopt a large batch size during training and have validated its effectiveness. In the experiments, the proposed framework significantly outperformed the current state-of-the-art frameworks in both cross-modal recipe retrieval and image generation tasks on the benchmark Recipe1M. This is the first work which confirmed the effectiveness of large batch training on cross-modal recipe embeddings.

Submitted: May 10, 2022