Paper ID: 2207.08439
Revisiting PatchMatch Multi-View Stereo for Urban 3D Reconstruction
Marco Orsingher, Paolo Zani, Paolo Medici, Massimo Bertozzi
In this paper, a complete pipeline for image-based 3D reconstruction of urban scenarios is proposed, based on PatchMatch Multi-View Stereo (MVS). Input images are firstly fed into an off-the-shelf visual SLAM system to extract camera poses and sparse keypoints, which are used to initialize PatchMatch optimization. Then, pixelwise depths and normals are iteratively computed in a multi-scale framework with a novel depth-normal consistency loss term and a global refinement algorithm to balance the inherently local nature of PatchMatch. Finally, a large-scale point cloud is generated by back-projecting multi-view consistent estimates in 3D. The proposed approach is carefully evaluated against both classical MVS algorithms and monocular depth networks on the KITTI dataset, showing state of the art performances.
Submitted: Jul 18, 2022