Paper ID: 2301.04318

Beyond Graph Convolutional Network: An Interpretable Regularizer-centered Optimization Framework

Shiping Wang, Zhihao Wu, Yuhong Chen, Yong Chen

Graph convolutional networks (GCNs) have been attracting widespread attentions due to their encouraging performance and powerful generalizations. However, few work provide a general view to interpret various GCNs and guide GCNs' designs. In this paper, by revisiting the original GCN, we induce an interpretable regularizer-centerd optimization framework, in which by building appropriate regularizers we can interpret most GCNs, such as APPNP, JKNet, DAGNN, and GNN-LF/HF. Further, under the proposed framework, we devise a dual-regularizer graph convolutional network (dubbed tsGCN) to capture topological and semantic structures from graph data. Since the derived learning rule for tsGCN contains an inverse of a large matrix and thus is time-consuming, we leverage the Woodbury matrix identity and low-rank approximation tricks to successfully decrease the high computational complexity of computing infinite-order graph convolutions. Extensive experiments on eight public datasets demonstrate that tsGCN achieves superior performance against quite a few state-of-the-art competitors w.r.t. classification tasks.

Submitted: Jan 11, 2023