Paper ID: 2303.14474

3Mformer: Multi-order Multi-mode Transformer for Skeletal Action Recognition

Lei Wang, Piotr Koniusz

Many skeletal action recognition models use GCNs to represent the human body by 3D body joints connected body parts. GCNs aggregate one- or few-hop graph neighbourhoods, and ignore the dependency between not linked body joints. We propose to form hypergraph to model hyper-edges between graph nodes (e.g., third- and fourth-order hyper-edges capture three and four nodes) which help capture higher-order motion patterns of groups of body joints. We split action sequences into temporal blocks, Higher-order Transformer (HoT) produces embeddings of each temporal block based on (i) the body joints, (ii) pairwise links of body joints and (iii) higher-order hyper-edges of skeleton body joints. We combine such HoT embeddings of hyper-edges of orders 1, ..., r by a novel Multi-order Multi-mode Transformer (3Mformer) with two modules whose order can be exchanged to achieve coupled-mode attention on coupled-mode tokens based on 'channel-temporal block', 'order-channel-body joint', 'channel-hyper-edge (any order)' and 'channel-only' pairs. The first module, called Multi-order Pooling (MP), additionally learns weighted aggregation along the hyper-edge mode, whereas the second module, Temporal block Pooling (TP), aggregates along the temporal block mode. Our end-to-end trainable network yields state-of-the-art results compared to GCN-, transformer- and hypergraph-based counterparts.

Submitted: Mar 25, 2023