Paper ID: 2306.11252

HK-LegiCoST: Leveraging Non-Verbatim Transcripts for Speech Translation

Cihan Xiao, Henry Li Xinyuan, Jinyi Yang, Dongji Gao, Matthew Wiesner, Kevin Duh, Sanjeev Khudanpur

We introduce HK-LegiCoST, a new three-way parallel corpus of Cantonese-English translations, containing 600+ hours of Cantonese audio, its standard traditional Chinese transcript, and English translation, segmented and aligned at the sentence level. We describe the notable challenges in corpus preparation: segmentation, alignment of long audio recordings, and sentence-level alignment with non-verbatim transcripts. Such transcripts make the corpus suitable for speech translation research when there are significant differences between the spoken and written forms of the source language. Due to its large size, we are able to demonstrate competitive speech translation baselines on HK-LegiCoST and extend them to promising cross-corpus results on the FLEURS Cantonese subset. These results deliver insights into speech recognition and translation research in languages for which non-verbatim or ``noisy'' transcription is common due to various factors, including vernacular and dialectal speech.

Submitted: Jun 20, 2023