Paper ID: 2309.05287
Addressing Feature Imbalance in Sound Source Separation
Jaechang Kim, Jeongyeon Hwang, Soheun Yi, Jaewoong Cho, Jungseul Ok
Neural networks often suffer from a feature preference problem, where they tend to overly rely on specific features to solve a task while disregarding other features, even if those neglected features are essential for the task. Feature preference problems have primarily been investigated in classification task. However, we observe that feature preference occurs in high-dimensional regression task, specifically, source separation. To mitigate feature preference in source separation, we propose FEAture BAlancing by Suppressing Easy feature (FEABASE). This approach enables efficient data utilization by learning hidden information about the neglected feature. We evaluate our method in a multi-channel source separation task, where feature preference between spatial feature and timbre feature appears.
Submitted: Sep 11, 2023