Paper ID: 2310.00327
Memorization with neural nets: going beyond the worst case
Sjoerd Dirksen, Patrick Finke, Martin Genzel
In practice, deep neural networks are often able to easily interpolate their training data. To understand this phenomenon, many works have aimed to quantify the memorization capacity of a neural network architecture: the largest number of points such that the architecture can interpolate any placement of these points with any assignment of labels. For real-world data, however, one intuitively expects the presence of a benign structure so that interpolation already occurs at a smaller network size than suggested by memorization capacity. In this paper, we investigate interpolation by adopting an instance-specific viewpoint. We introduce a simple randomized algorithm that, given a fixed finite dataset with two classes, with high probability constructs an interpolating three-layer neural network in polynomial time. The required number of parameters is linked to geometric properties of the two classes and their mutual arrangement. As a result, we obtain guarantees that are independent of the number of samples and hence move beyond worst-case memorization capacity bounds. We illustrate the effectiveness of the algorithm in non-pathological situations with extensive numerical experiments and link the insights back to the theoretical results.
Submitted: Sep 30, 2023