Paper ID: 2310.15114
How To Build Competitive Multi-gender Speech Translation Models For Controlling Speaker Gender Translation
Marco Gaido, Dennis Fucci, Matteo Negri, Luisa Bentivogli
When translating from notional gender languages (e.g., English) into grammatical gender languages (e.g., Italian), the generated translation requires explicit gender assignments for various words, including those referring to the speaker. When the source sentence does not convey the speaker's gender, speech translation (ST) models either rely on the possibly-misleading vocal traits of the speaker or default to the masculine gender, the most frequent in existing training corpora. To avoid such biased and not inclusive behaviors, the gender assignment of speaker-related expressions should be guided by externally-provided metadata about the speaker's gender. While previous work has shown that the most effective solution is represented by separate, dedicated gender-specific models, the goal of this paper is to achieve the same results by integrating the speaker's gender metadata into a single "multi-gender" neural ST model, easier to maintain. Our experiments demonstrate that a single multi-gender model outperforms gender-specialized ones when trained from scratch (with gender accuracy gains up to 12.9 for feminine forms), while fine-tuning from existing ST models does not lead to competitive results.
Submitted: Oct 23, 2023