Paper ID: 2401.08102

DIFFRENT: A Diffusion Model for Recording Environment Transfer of Speech

Jaekwon Im, Juhan Nam

Properly setting up recording conditions, including microphone type and placement, room acoustics, and ambient noise, is essential to obtaining the desired acoustic characteristics of speech. In this paper, we propose Diff-R-EN-T, a Diffusion model for Recording ENvironment Transfer which transforms the input speech to have the recording conditions of a reference speech while preserving the speech content. Our model comprises the content enhancer, the recording environment encoder, and the diffusion decoder which generates the target mel-spectrogram by utilizing both enhancer and encoder as input conditions. We evaluate DiffRENT in the speech enhancement and acoustic matching scenarios. The results show that DiffRENT generalizes well to unseen environments and new speakers. Also, the proposed model achieves superior performances in objective and subjective evaluation. Sound examples of our proposed model are available online.

Submitted: Jan 16, 2024