Paper ID: 2406.17618

Towards Building an End-to-End Multilingual Automatic Lyrics Transcription Model

Jiawen Huang, Emmanouil Benetos

Multilingual automatic lyrics transcription (ALT) is a challenging task due to the limited availability of labelled data and the challenges introduced by singing, compared to multilingual automatic speech recognition. Although some multilingual singing datasets have been released recently, English continues to dominate these collections. Multilingual ALT remains underexplored due to the scale of data and annotation quality. In this paper, we aim to create a multilingual ALT system with available datasets. Inspired by architectures that have been proven effective for English ALT, we adapt these techniques to the multilingual scenario by expanding the target vocabulary set. We then evaluate the performance of the multilingual model in comparison to its monolingual counterparts. Additionally, we explore various conditioning methods to incorporate language information into the model. We apply analysis by language and combine it with the language classification performance. Our findings reveal that the multilingual model performs consistently better than the monolingual models trained on the language subsets. Furthermore, we demonstrate that incorporating language information significantly enhances performance.

Submitted: Jun 25, 2024