Paper ID: 2409.10951
Fair Anomaly Detection For Imbalanced Groups
Ziwei Wu, Lecheng Zheng, Yuancheng Yu, Ruizhong Qiu, John Birge, Jingrui He
Anomaly detection (AD) has been widely studied for decades in many real-world applications, including fraud detection in finance, and intrusion detection for cybersecurity, etc. Due to the imbalanced nature between protected and unprotected groups and the imbalanced distributions of normal examples and anomalies, the learning objectives of most existing anomaly detection methods tend to solely concentrate on the dominating unprotected group. Thus, it has been recognized by many researchers about the significance of ensuring model fairness in anomaly detection. However, the existing fair anomaly detection methods tend to erroneously label most normal examples from the protected group as anomalies in the imbalanced scenario where the unprotected group is more abundant than the protected group. This phenomenon is caused by the improper design of learning objectives, which statistically focus on learning the frequent patterns (i.e., the unprotected group) while overlooking the under-represented patterns (i.e., the protected group). To address these issues, we propose FairAD, a fairness-aware anomaly detection method targeting the imbalanced scenario. It consists of a fairness-aware contrastive learning module and a rebalancing autoencoder module to ensure fairness and handle the imbalanced data issue, respectively. Moreover, we provide the theoretical analysis that shows our proposed contrastive learning regularization guarantees group fairness. Empirical studies demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of FairAD across multiple real-world datasets.
Submitted: Sep 17, 2024