Paper ID: 2411.12350
DiM: $f$-Divergence Minimization Guided Sharpness-Aware Optimization for Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation
Bingli Wang, Houcheng Su, Nan Yin, Mengzhu Wang, Li Shen
As a technique to alleviate the pressure of data annotation, semi-supervised learning (SSL) has attracted widespread attention. In the specific domain of medical image segmentation, semi-supervised methods (SSMIS) have become a research hotspot due to their ability to reduce the need for large amounts of precisely annotated data. SSMIS focuses on enhancing the model's generalization performance by leveraging a small number of labeled samples and a large number of unlabeled samples. The latest sharpness-aware optimization (SAM) technique, which optimizes the model by reducing the sharpness of the loss function, has shown significant success in SSMIS. However, SAM and its variants may not fully account for the distribution differences between different datasets. To address this issue, we propose a sharpness-aware optimization method based on $f$-divergence minimization (DiM) for semi-supervised medical image segmentation. This method enhances the model's stability by fine-tuning the sensitivity of model parameters and improves the model's adaptability to different datasets through the introduction of $f$-divergence. By reducing $f$-divergence, the DiM method not only improves the performance balance between the source and target datasets but also prevents performance degradation due to overfitting on the source dataset.
Submitted: Nov 19, 2024