Paper ID: 2411.12948

Machine learned reconstruction of tsunami dynamics from sparse observations

Edward McDugald, Arvind Mohan, Darren Engwirda, Agnese Marcato, Javier Santos

We investigate the use of the Senseiver, a transformer neural network designed for sparse sensing applications, to estimate full-field surface height measurements of tsunami waves from sparse observations. The model is trained on a large ensemble of simulated data generated via a shallow water equations solver, which we show to be a faithful reproduction for the underlying dynamics by comparison to historical events. We train the model on a dataset consisting of 8 tsunami simulations whose epicenters correspond to historical USGS earthquake records, and where the model inputs are restricted to measurements obtained at actively deployed buoy locations. We test the Senseiver on a dataset consisting of 8 simulations not included in training, demonstrating its capability for extrapolation. The results show remarkable resolution of fine scale phase and amplitude features from the true field, provided that at least a few of the sensors have obtained a non-zero signal. Throughout, we discuss which forecasting techniques can be improved by this method, and suggest ways in which the flexibility of the architecture can be leveraged to incorporate arbitrary remote sensing data (eg. HF Radar and satellite measurements) as well as investigate optimal sensor placements.

Submitted: Nov 20, 2024