Paper ID: 2411.13010

Deriving Activation Functions via Integration

Allen Hao Huang

Activation functions play a crucial role in introducing non-linearities to deep neural networks. We propose a novel approach to designing activation functions by focusing on their gradients and deriving the corresponding functions through integration. Our work introduces the Expanded Integral of the Exponential Linear Unit (xIELU), a trainable piecewise activation function derived by integrating trainable affine transformations applied on the ELU activation function. xIELU combines two key gradient properties: a trainable and linearly increasing gradient for positive inputs, similar to ReLU$^2$, and a trainable negative gradient flow for negative inputs, akin to xSiLU. Conceptually, xIELU can be viewed as extending ReLU$^2$ to effectively handle negative inputs. In experiments with 1.1B parameter Llama models trained on 126B tokens of FineWeb Edu, xIELU achieves lower perplexity compared to both ReLU$^2$ and SwiGLU when matched for the same compute cost and parameter count.

Submitted: Nov 20, 2024