Paper ID: 2411.14752

Comparative Analysis of nnUNet and MedNeXt for Head and Neck Tumor Segmentation in MRI-guided Radiotherapy

Nikoo Moradi, André Ferreira, Behrus Puladi, Jens Kleesiek, Emad Fatemizadeh, Gijs Luijten, Victor Alves, Jan Egger

Radiation therapy (RT) is essential in treating head and neck cancer (HNC), with magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)-guided RT offering superior soft tissue contrast and functional imaging. However, manual tumor segmentation is time-consuming and complex, and therfore remains a challenge. In this study, we present our solution as team TUMOR to the HNTS-MRG24 MICCAI Challenge which is focused on automated segmentation of primary gross tumor volumes (GTVp) and metastatic lymph node gross tumor volume (GTVn) in pre-RT and mid-RT MRI images. We utilized the HNTS-MRG2024 dataset, which consists of 150 MRI scans from patients diagnosed with HNC, including original and registered pre-RT and mid-RT T2-weighted images with corresponding segmentation masks for GTVp and GTVn. We employed two state-of-the-art models in deep learning, nnUNet and MedNeXt. For Task 1, we pretrained models on pre-RT registered and mid-RT images, followed by fine-tuning on original pre-RT images. For Task 2, we combined registered pre-RT images, registered pre-RT segmentation masks, and mid-RT data as a multi-channel input for training. Our solution for Task 1 achieved 1st place in the final test phase with an aggregated Dice Similarity Coefficient of 0.8254, and our solution for Task 2 ranked 8th with a score of 0.7005. The proposed solution is publicly available at Github Repository.

Submitted: Nov 22, 2024