Paper ID: 2411.16120
Why the Agent Made that Decision: Explaining Deep Reinforcement Learning with Vision Masks
Rui Zuo, Zifan Wang, Simon Khan, Garrett Ethan Katz, Qinru Qiu
Due to the inherent lack of transparency in deep neural networks, it is challenging for deep reinforcement learning (DRL) agents to gain trust and acceptance from users, especially in safety-critical applications such as medical diagnosis and military operations. Existing methods for explaining an agent's decision either require to retrain the agent using models that support explanation generation or rely on perturbation-based techniques to reveal the significance of different input features in the decision making process. However, retraining the agent may compromise its integrity and performance, while perturbation-based methods have limited performance and lack knowledge accumulation or learning capabilities. Moreover, since each perturbation is performed independently, the joint state of the perturbed inputs may not be physically meaningful. To address these challenges, we introduce $\textbf{VisionMask}$, a standalone explanation model trained end-to-end to identify the most critical regions in the agent's visual input that can explain its actions. VisionMask is trained in a self-supervised manner without relying on human-generated labels. Importantly, its training does not alter the agent model, hence preserving the agent's performance and integrity. We evaluate VisionMask on Super Mario Bros (SMB) and three Atari games. Compared to existing methods, VisionMask achieves a 14.9% higher insertion accuracy and a 30.08% higher F1-Score in reproducing original actions from the selected visual explanations. We also present examples illustrating how VisionMask can be used for counterfactual analysis.
Submitted: Nov 25, 2024