Paper ID: 2411.16216
SMGDiff: Soccer Motion Generation using diffusion probabilistic models
Hongdi Yang, Chengyang Li, Zhenxuan Wu, Gaozheng Li, Jingya Wang, Jingyi Yu, Zhuo Su, Lan Xu
Soccer is a globally renowned sport with significant applications in video games and VR/AR. However, generating realistic soccer motions remains challenging due to the intricate interactions between the human player and the ball. In this paper, we introduce SMGDiff, a novel two-stage framework for generating real-time and user-controllable soccer motions. Our key idea is to integrate real-time character control with a powerful diffusion-based generative model, ensuring high-quality and diverse output motion. In the first stage, we instantly transform coarse user controls into diverse global trajectories of the character. In the second stage, we employ a transformer-based autoregressive diffusion model to generate soccer motions based on trajectory conditioning. We further incorporate a contact guidance module during inference to optimize the contact details for realistic ball-foot interactions. Moreover, we contribute a large-scale soccer motion dataset consisting of over 1.08 million frames of diverse soccer motions. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our SMGDiff significantly outperforms existing methods in terms of motion quality and condition alignment.
Submitted: Nov 25, 2024