Paper ID: 2411.16600

Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization with Predictions

Antonios Antoniadis, Marek Eliáš, Adam Polak, Moritz Venzin

We initiate a systematic study of utilizing predictions to improve over approximation guarantees of classic algorithms, without increasing the running time. We propose a systematic method for a wide class of optimization problems that ask to select a feasible subset of input items of minimal (or maximal) total weight. This gives simple (near-)linear time algorithms for, e.g., Vertex Cover, Steiner Tree, Min-Weight Perfect Matching, Knapsack, and Clique. Our algorithms produce optimal solutions when provided with perfect predictions and their approximation ratios smoothly degrade with increasing prediction error. With small enough prediction error we achieve approximation guarantees that are beyond reach without predictions in the given time bounds, as exemplified by the NP-hardness and APX-hardness of many of the above problems. Although we show our approach to be optimal for this class of problems as a whole, there is a potential for exploiting specific structural properties of individual problems to obtain improved bounds; we demonstrate this on the Steiner Tree problem. We conclude with an empirical evaluation of our approach.

Submitted: Nov 25, 2024