Paper ID: 2411.16765
SHuBERT: Self-Supervised Sign Language Representation Learning via Multi-Stream Cluster Prediction
Shester Gueuwou, Xiaodan Du, Greg Shakhnarovich, Karen Livescu, Alexander H. Liu
Sign language processing has traditionally relied on task-specific models,limiting the potential for transfer learning across tasks. We introduce SHuBERT (Sign Hidden-Unit BERT), a self-supervised transformer encoder that learns strong representations from approximately 1,000 hours of American Sign Language (ASL) video content. Inspired by the success of the HuBERT speech representation model, SHuBERT adapts masked prediction for multi-stream visual sign language input, learning to predict multiple targets for corresponding to clustered hand, face, and body pose streams. SHuBERT achieves state-of-the-art performance across multiple benchmarks. On sign language translation, it outperforms prior methods trained on publicly available data on the How2Sign (+0.7 BLEU), OpenASL (+10.0 BLEU), and FLEURS-ASL (+0.3 BLEU) benchmarks. Similarly for isolated sign language recognition, SHuBERT's accuracy surpasses that of specialized models on ASL-Citizen (+5\%) and SEM-LEX (+20.6\%), while coming close to them on WLASL2000 (-3\%). Ablation studies confirm the contribution of each component of the approach.
Submitted: Nov 25, 2024