Paper ID: 2411.16792

From Diffusion to Resolution: Leveraging 2D Diffusion Models for 3D Super-Resolution Task

Bohao Chen, Yanchao Zhang, Yanan Lv, Hua Han, Xi Chen

Diffusion models have recently emerged as a powerful technique in image generation, especially for image super-resolution tasks. While 2D diffusion models significantly enhance the resolution of individual images, existing diffusion-based methods for 3D volume super-resolution often struggle with structure discontinuities in axial direction and high sampling costs. In this work, we present a novel approach that leverages the 2D diffusion model and lateral continuity within the volume to enhance 3D volume electron microscopy (vEM) super-resolution. We first simulate lateral degradation with slices in the XY plane and train a 2D diffusion model to learn how to restore the degraded slices. The model is then applied slice-by-slice in the lateral direction of low-resolution volume, recovering slices while preserving inherent lateral continuity. Following this, a high-frequency-aware 3D super-resolution network is trained on the recovery lateral slice sequences to learn spatial feature transformation across slices. Finally, the network is applied to infer high-resolution volumes in the axial direction, enabling 3D super-resolution. We validate our approach through comprehensive evaluations, including image similarity assessments, resolution analysis, and performance on downstream tasks. Our results on two publicly available focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) datasets demonstrate the robustness and practical applicability of our framework for 3D volume super-resolution.

Submitted: Nov 25, 2024