Paper ID: 2411.17796

Scalable iterative pruning of large language and vision models using block coordinate descent

Gili Rosenberg, J. Kyle Brubaker, Martin J. A. Schuetz, Elton Yechao Zhu, Serdar Kadıoğlu, Sima E. Borujeni, Helmut G. Katzgraber

Pruning neural networks, which involves removing a fraction of their weights, can often maintain high accuracy while significantly reducing model complexity, at least up to a certain limit. We present a neural network pruning technique that builds upon the Combinatorial Brain Surgeon, but solves an optimization problem over a subset of the network weights in an iterative, block-wise manner using block coordinate descent. The iterative, block-based nature of this pruning technique, which we dub ``iterative Combinatorial Brain Surgeon'' (iCBS) allows for scalability to very large models, including large language models (LLMs), that may not be feasible with a one-shot combinatorial optimization approach. When applied to large models like Mistral and DeiT, iCBS achieves higher performance metrics at the same density levels compared to existing pruning methods such as Wanda. This demonstrates the effectiveness of this iterative, block-wise pruning method in compressing and optimizing the performance of large deep learning models, even while optimizing over only a small fraction of the weights. Moreover, our approach allows for a quality-time (or cost) tradeoff that is not available when using a one-shot pruning technique alone. The block-wise formulation of the optimization problem enables the use of hardware accelerators, potentially offsetting the increased computational costs compared to one-shot pruning methods like Wanda. In particular, the optimization problem solved for each block is quantum-amenable in that it could, in principle, be solved by a quantum computer.

Submitted: Nov 26, 2024