Paper ID: 2411.17866

Distributed Sign Momentum with Local Steps for Training Transformers

Shuhua Yu, Ding Zhou, Cong Xie, An Xu, Zhi Zhang, Xin Liu, Soummya Kar

Pre-training Transformer models is resource-intensive, and recent studies have shown that sign momentum is an efficient technique for training large-scale deep learning models, particularly Transformers. However, its application in distributed training or federated learning remains underexplored. This paper investigates a novel communication-efficient distributed sign momentum method with local updates. Our proposed method allows for a broad class of base optimizers for local updates, and uses sign momentum in global updates, where momentum is generated from differences accumulated during local steps. We evaluate our method on the pre-training of various GPT-2 models, and the empirical results show significant improvement compared to other distributed methods with local updates. Furthermore, by approximating the sign operator with a randomized version that acts as a continuous analog in expectation, we present an $O(1/\sqrt{T})$ convergence for one instance of the proposed method for nonconvex smooth functions.

Submitted: Nov 26, 2024