Paper ID: 2411.17898

On the ERM Principle in Meta-Learning

Yannay Alon, Steve Hanneke, Shay Moran, Uri Shalit

Classic supervised learning involves algorithms trained on $n$ labeled examples to produce a hypothesis $h \in \mathcal{H}$ aimed at performing well on unseen examples. Meta-learning extends this by training across $n$ tasks, with $m$ examples per task, producing a hypothesis class $\mathcal{H}$ within some meta-class $\mathbb{H}$. This setting applies to many modern problems such as in-context learning, hypernetworks, and learning-to-learn. A common method for evaluating the performance of supervised learning algorithms is through their learning curve, which depicts the expected error as a function of the number of training examples. In meta-learning, the learning curve becomes a two-dimensional learning surface, which evaluates the expected error on unseen domains for varying values of $n$ (number of tasks) and $m$ (number of training examples). Our findings characterize the distribution-free learning surfaces of meta-Empirical Risk Minimizers when either $m$ or $n$ tend to infinity: we show that the number of tasks must increase inversely with the desired error. In contrast, we show that the number of examples exhibits very different behavior: it satisfies a dichotomy where every meta-class conforms to one of the following conditions: (i) either $m$ must grow inversely with the error, or (ii) a \emph{finite} number of examples per task suffices for the error to vanish as $n$ goes to infinity. This finding illustrates and characterizes cases in which a small number of examples per task is sufficient for successful learning. We further refine this for positive values of $\varepsilon$ and identify for each $\varepsilon$ how many examples per task are needed to achieve an error of $\varepsilon$ in the limit as the number of tasks $n$ goes to infinity. We achieve this by developing a necessary and sufficient condition for meta-learnability using a bounded number of examples per domain.

Submitted: Nov 26, 2024