Paper ID: 2411.18055
FAMES: Fast Approximate Multiplier Substitution for Mixed-Precision Quantized DNNs--Down to 2 Bits!
Yi Ren, Ruge Xu, Xinfei Guo, Weikang Qian
A widely-used technique in designing energy-efficient deep neural network (DNN) accelerators is quantization. Recent progress in this direction has reduced the bitwidths used in DNN down to 2. Meanwhile, many prior works apply approximate multipliers (AppMuls) in designing DNN accelerators to lower their energy consumption. Unfortunately, these works still assume a bitwidth much larger than 2, which falls far behind the state-of-the-art in quantization area and even challenges the meaningfulness of applying AppMuls in DNN accelerators, since a high-bitwidth AppMul consumes much more energy than a low-bitwidth exact multiplier! Thus, an important problem to study is: Can approximate multipliers be effectively applied to quantized DNN models with very low bitwidths? In this work, we give an affirmative answer to this question and present a systematic solution that achieves the answer: FAMES, a fast approximate multiplier substitution method for mixed-precision DNNs. Our experiments demonstrate an average 28.67% energy reduction on state-of-the-art mixed-precision quantized models with bitwidths as low as 2 bits and accuracy losses kept under 1%. Additionally, our approach is up to 300x faster than previous genetic algorithm-based methods.
Submitted: Nov 27, 2024