Paper ID: 2412.01290

Learning Smooth Distance Functions via Queries

Akash Kumar, Sanjoy Dasgupta

In this work, we investigate the problem of learning distance functions within the query-based learning framework, where a learner is able to pose triplet queries of the form: ``Is $x_i$ closer to $x_j$ or $x_k$?'' We establish formal guarantees on the query complexity required to learn smooth, but otherwise general, distance functions under two notions of approximation: $\omega$-additive approximation and $(1 + \omega)$-multiplicative approximation. For the additive approximation, we propose a global method whose query complexity is quadratic in the size of a finite cover of the sample space. For the (stronger) multiplicative approximation, we introduce a method that combines global and local approaches, utilizing multiple Mahalanobis distance functions to capture local geometry. This method has a query complexity that scales quadratically with both the size of the cover and the ambient space dimension of the sample space.

Submitted: Dec 2, 2024