Paper ID: 2412.03190

Node Classification With Integrated Reject Option

Uday Bhaskar, Jayadratha Gayen, Charu Sharma, Naresh Manwani

One of the key tasks in graph learning is node classification. While Graph neural networks have been used for various applications, their adaptivity to reject option setting is not previously explored. In this paper, we propose NCwR, a novel approach to node classification in Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) with an integrated reject option, which allows the model to abstain from making predictions when uncertainty is high. We propose both cost-based and coverage-based methods for classification with abstention in node classification setting using GNNs. We perform experiments using our method on three standard citation network datasets Cora, Citeseer and Pubmed and compare with relevant baselines. We also model the Legal judgment prediction problem on ILDC dataset as a node classification problem where nodes represent legal cases and edges represent citations. We further interpret the model by analyzing the cases that the model abstains from predicting by visualizing which part of the input features influenced this decision.

Submitted: Dec 4, 2024