Paper ID: 2412.03907
ONER: Online Experience Replay for Incremental Anomaly Detection
Yizhou Jin, Jiahui Zhu, Guodong Wang, Shiwei Li, Jinjin Zhang, Qingjie Liu, Xinyue Liu, Yunhong Wang
Incremental anomaly detection sequentially recognizes abnormal regions in novel categories for dynamic industrial scenarios. This remains highly challenging due to knowledge overwriting and feature conflicts, leading to catastrophic forgetting. In this work, we propose ONER, an end-to-end ONline Experience Replay method, which efficiently mitigates catastrophic forgetting while adapting to new tasks with minimal cost. Specifically, our framework utilizes two types of experiences from past tasks: decomposed prompts and semantic prototypes, addressing both model parameter updates and feature optimization. The decomposed prompts consist of learnable components that assemble to produce attention-conditioned prompts. These prompts reuse previously learned knowledge, enabling model to learn novel tasks effectively. The semantic prototypes operate at both pixel and image levels, performing regularization in the latent feature space to prevent forgetting across various tasks. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in incremental anomaly detection with significantly reduced forgetting, as well as efficiently adapting to new categories with minimal costs. These results confirm the efficiency and stability of ONER, making it a powerful solution for real-world applications.
Submitted: Dec 5, 2024