Paper ID: 2412.03968
Exact: Exploring Space-Time Perceptive Clues for Weakly Supervised Satellite Image Time Series Semantic Segmentation
Hao Zhu, Yan Zhu, Jiayu Xiao, Tianxiang Xiao, Yike Ma, Yucheng Zhang, Feng Dai
Automated crop mapping through Satellite Image Time Series (SITS) has emerged as a crucial avenue for agricultural monitoring and management. However, due to the low resolution and unclear parcel boundaries, annotating pixel-level masks is exceptionally complex and time-consuming in SITS. This paper embraces the weakly supervised paradigm (i.e., only image-level categories available) to liberate the crop mapping task from the exhaustive annotation burden. The unique characteristics of SITS give rise to several challenges in weakly supervised learning: (1) noise perturbation from spatially neighboring regions, and (2) erroneous semantic bias from anomalous temporal periods. To address the above difficulties, we propose a novel method, termed exploring space-time perceptive clues (Exact). First, we introduce a set of spatial clues to explicitly capture the representative patterns of different crops from the most class-relative regions. Besides, we leverage the temporal-to-class interaction of the model to emphasize the contributions of pivotal clips, thereby enhancing the model perception for crop regions. Build upon the space-time perceptive clues, we derive the clue-based CAMs to effectively supervise the SITS segmentation network. Our method demonstrates impressive performance on various SITS benchmarks. Remarkably, the segmentation network trained on Exact-generated masks achieves 95% of its fully supervised performance, showing the bright promise of weakly supervised paradigm in crop mapping scenario. Our code will be publicly available.
Submitted: Dec 5, 2024