Paper ID: 2412.07168
3A-YOLO: New Real-Time Object Detectors with Triple Discriminative Awareness and Coordinated Representations
Xuecheng Wu, Junxiao Xue, Liangyu Fu, Jiayu Nie, Danlei Huang, Xinyi Yin
Recent research on real-time object detectors (e.g., YOLO series) has demonstrated the effectiveness of attention mechanisms for elevating model performance. Nevertheless, existing methods neglect to unifiedly deploy hierarchical attention mechanisms to construct a more discriminative YOLO head which is enriched with more useful intermediate features. To tackle this gap, this work aims to leverage multiple attention mechanisms to hierarchically enhance the triple discriminative awareness of the YOLO detection head and complementarily learn the coordinated intermediate representations, resulting in a new series detectors denoted 3A-YOLO. Specifically, we first propose a new head denoted TDA-YOLO Module, which unifiedly enhance the representations learning of scale-awareness, spatial-awareness, and task-awareness. Secondly, we steer the intermediate features to coordinately learn the inter-channel relationships and precise positional information. Finally, we perform neck network improvements followed by introducing various tricks to boost the adaptability of 3A-YOLO. Extensive experiments across COCO and VOC benchmarks indicate the effectiveness of our detectors.
Submitted: Dec 10, 2024