Paper ID: 2412.07331

NeSyA: Neurosymbolic Automata

Nikolaos Manginas, George Paliouras, Luc De Raedt

Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence (NeSy) has emerged as a promising direction to integrate low level perception with high level reasoning. Unfortunately, little attention has been given to developing NeSy systems tailored to temporal/sequential problems. This entails reasoning symbolically over sequences of subsymbolic observations towards a target prediction. We show that using a probabilistic semantics symbolic automata, which combine the power of automata for temporal structure specification with that of propositional logic, can be used to reason efficiently and differentiably over subsymbolic sequences. The proposed system, which we call NeSyA (Neuro Symbolic Automata), is shown to either scale or perform better than existing NeSy approaches when applied to problems with a temporal component.

Submitted: Dec 10, 2024