Paper ID: 2412.07514

Physics-Based Dynamic Models Hybridisation Using Physics-Informed Neural Networks

Branislava Lalic, Dinh Viet Cuong, Mina Petric, Vladimir Pavlovic, Ana Firanj Sremac, Mark Roantree

Physics-based dynamic models (PBDMs) are simplified representations of complex dynamical systems. PBDMs take specific processes within a complex system and assign a fragment of variables and an accompanying set of parameters to depict the processes. As this often leads to suboptimal parameterisation of the system, a key challenge requires refining the empirical parameters and variables to reduce uncertainties while maintaining the model s explainability and enhancing its predictive accuracy. We demonstrate that a hybrid mosquito population dynamics model, which integrates a PBDM with Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINN), retains the explainability of the PBDM by incorporating the PINN-learned model parameters in place of its empirical counterparts. Specifically, we address the limitations of traditional PBDMs by modelling the parameters of larva and pupa development rates using a PINN that encodes complex, learned interactions of air temperature, precipitation and humidity. Our results demonstrate improved mosquito population simulations including the difficult-to-predict mosquito population peaks. This opens the possibility of hybridisation concept application on other complex systems based on PBDMs such as cancer growth to address the challenges posed by scarce and noisy data, and to numerical weather prediction and climate modelling to overcome the gap between physics-based and data-driven weather prediction models.

Submitted: Dec 10, 2024