Paper ID: 2412.08052
CANDOR: Counterfactual ANnotated DOubly Robust Off-Policy Evaluation
Aishwarya Mandyam, Shengpu Tang, Jiayu Yao, Jenna Wiens, Barbara E. Engelhardt
Off-policy evaluation (OPE) provides safety guarantees by estimating the performance of a policy before deployment. Recent work introduced IS+, an importance sampling (IS) estimator that uses expert-annotated counterfactual samples to improve behavior dataset coverage. However, IS estimators are known to have high variance; furthermore, the performance of IS+ deteriorates when annotations are imperfect. In this work, we propose a family of OPE estimators inspired by the doubly robust (DR) principle. A DR estimator combines IS with a reward model estimate, known as the direct method (DM), and offers favorable statistical guarantees. We propose three strategies for incorporating counterfactual annotations into a DR-inspired estimator and analyze their properties under various realistic settings. We prove that using imperfect annotations in the DM part of the estimator best leverages the annotations, as opposed to using them in the IS part. To support our theoretical findings, we evaluate the proposed estimators in three contextual bandit environments. Our empirical results show that when the reward model is misspecified and the annotations are imperfect, it is most beneficial to use the annotations only in the DM portion of a DR estimator. Based on these theoretical and empirical insights, we provide a practical guide for using counterfactual annotations in different realistic settings.
Submitted: Dec 11, 2024