Paper ID: 2412.08595
Numerical Analysis of HiPPO-LegS ODE for Deep State Space Models
Jaesung R. Park, Jaewook J. Suh, Ernest K. Ryu
In deep learning, the recently introduced state space models utilize HiPPO (High-order Polynomial Projection Operators) memory units to approximate continuous-time trajectories of input functions using ordinary differential equations (ODEs), and these techniques have shown empirical success in capturing long-range dependencies in long input sequences. However, the mathematical foundations of these ODEs, particularly the singular HiPPO-LegS (Legendre Scaled) ODE, and their corresponding numerical discretizations remain unexplored. In this work, we fill this gap by establishing that HiPPO-LegS ODE is well-posed despite its singularity, albeit without the freedom of arbitrary initial conditions, and by establishing convergence of the associated numerical discretization schemes for Riemann-integrable input functions.
Submitted: Dec 11, 2024