Paper ID: 2412.09816

Distributed Inverse Dynamics Control for Quadruped Robots using Geometric Optimization

Nimesh Khandelwal (1 and 2), Amritanshu Manu (1), Shakti S. Gupta (1), Mangal Kothari (1), Prashanth Krishnamurthy (2), Farshad Khorrami (2) ((1) Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, (2) New York University)

This paper presents a distributed inverse dynamics controller (DIDC) for quadruped robots that addresses the limitations of existing reactive controllers: simplified dynamical models, the inability to handle exact friction cone constraints, and the high computational requirements of whole-body controllers. Current methods either ignore friction constraints entirely or use linear approximations, leading to potential slip and instability, while comprehensive whole-body controllers demand significant computational resources. Our approach uses full rigid-body dynamics and enforces exact friction cone constraints through a novel geometric optimization-based solver. DIDC combines the required generalized forces corresponding to the actuated and unactuated spaces by projecting them onto the actuated space while satisfying the physical constraints and maintaining orthogonality between the base and joint tracking objectives. Experimental validation shows that our approach reduces foot slippage, improves orientation tracking, and converges at least two times faster than existing reactive controllers with generic QP-based implementations. The controller enables stable omnidirectional trotting at various speeds and consumes less power than comparable methods while running efficiently on embedded processors.

Submitted: Dec 13, 2024