Paper ID: 2412.10351

VibrantVS: A high-resolution multi-task transformer for forest canopy height estimation

Tony Chang, Kiarie Ndegwa, Andreas Gros, Vincent A. Landau, Luke J. Zachmann, Bogdan State, Mitchell A. Gritts, Colton W. Miller, Nathan E. Rutenbeck, Scott Conway, Guy Bayes

This paper explores the application of a novel multi-task vision transformer (ViT) model for the estimation of canopy height models (CHMs) using 4-band National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) imagery across the western United States. We compare the effectiveness of this model in terms of accuracy and precision aggregated across ecoregions and class heights versus three other benchmark peer-reviewed models. Key findings suggest that, while other benchmark models can provide high precision in localized areas, the VibrantVS model has substantial advantages across a broad reach of ecoregions in the western United States with higher accuracy, higher precision, the ability to generate updated inference at a cadence of three years or less, and high spatial resolution. The VibrantVS model provides significant value for ecological monitoring and land management decisions for wildfire mitigation.

Submitted: Dec 13, 2024