Paper ID: 2412.10609
A systematic review of norm emergence in multi-agent systems
Carmengelys Cordova, Joaquin Taverner, Elena Del Val, Estefania Argente
Multi-agent systems (MAS) have gained relevance in the field of artificial intelligence by offering tools for modelling complex environments where autonomous agents interact to achieve common or individual goals. In these systems, norms emerge as a fundamental component to regulate the behaviour of agents, promoting cooperation, coordination and conflict resolution. This article presents a systematic review, following the PRISMA method, on the emergence of norms in MAS, exploring the main mechanisms and factors that influence this process. Sociological, structural, emotional and cognitive aspects that facilitate the creation, propagation and reinforcement of norms are addressed. The findings highlight the crucial role of social network topology, as well as the importance of emotions and shared values in the adoption and maintenance of norms. Furthermore, opportunities are identified for future research that more explicitly integrates emotional and ethical dynamics in the design of adaptive normative systems. This work provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of research on norm emergence in MAS, serving as a basis for advancing the development of more efficient and flexible systems in artificial and real-world contexts.
Submitted: Dec 13, 2024