Paper ID: 2412.11205
Concept Learning in the Wild: Towards Algorithmic Understanding of Neural Networks
Elad Shohama, Hadar Cohena, Khalil Wattada, Havana Rikab, Dan Vilenchik
Explainable AI (XAI) methods typically focus on identifying essential input features or more abstract concepts for tasks like image or text classification. However, for algorithmic tasks like combinatorial optimization, these concepts may depend not only on the input but also on the current state of the network, like in the graph neural networks (GNN) case. This work studies concept learning for an existing GNN model trained to solve Boolean satisfiability (SAT). \textcolor{black}{Our analysis reveals that the model learns key concepts matching those guiding human-designed SAT heuristics, particularly the notion of 'support.' We demonstrate that these concepts are encoded in the top principal components (PCs) of the embedding's covariance matrix, allowing for unsupervised discovery. Using sparse PCA, we establish the minimality of these concepts and show their teachability through a simplified GNN. Two direct applications of our framework are (a) We improve the convergence time of the classical WalkSAT algorithm and (b) We use the discovered concepts to "reverse-engineer" the black-box GNN and rewrite it as a white-box textbook algorithm. Our results highlight the potential of concept learning in understanding and enhancing algorithmic neural networks for combinatorial optimization tasks.
Submitted: Dec 15, 2024