Paper ID: 2412.11529

Cross-View Geo-Localization with Street-View and VHR Satellite Imagery in Decentrality Settings

Panwang Xia, Lei Yu, Yi Wan, Qiong Wu, Peiqi Chen, Liheng Zhong, Yongxiang Yao, Dong Wei, Xinyi Liu, Lixiang Ru, Yingying Zhang, Jiangwei Lao, Jingdong Chen, Ming Yang, Yongjun Zhang

Cross-View Geo-Localization tackles the problem of image geo-localization in GNSS-denied environments by matching street-view query images with geo-tagged aerial-view reference images. However, existing datasets and methods often assume center-aligned settings or only consider limited decentrality (i.e., the offset of the query image from the reference image center). This assumption overlooks the challenges present in real-world applications, where large decentrality can significantly enhance localization efficiency but simultaneously lead to a substantial degradation in localization accuracy. To address this limitation, we introduce CVSat, a novel dataset designed to evaluate cross-view geo-localization with a large geographic scope and diverse landscapes, emphasizing the decentrality issue. Meanwhile, we propose AuxGeo (Auxiliary Enhanced Geo-Localization), which leverages a multi-metric optimization strategy with two novel modules: the Bird's-eye view Intermediary Module (BIM) and the Position Constraint Module (PCM). BIM uses bird's-eye view images derived from street-view panoramas as an intermediary, simplifying the cross-view challenge with decentrality to a cross-view problem and a decentrality problem. PCM leverages position priors between cross-view images to establish multi-grained alignment constraints. These modules improve the performance of cross-view geo-localization with the decentrality problem. Extensive experiments demonstrate that AuxGeo outperforms previous methods on our proposed CVSat dataset, mitigating the issue of large decentrality, and also achieves state-of-the-art performance on existing public datasets such as CVUSA, CVACT, and VIGOR.

Submitted: Dec 16, 2024