Paper ID: 2412.11535
Near Large Far Small: Relative Distance Based Partition Learning for UAV-view Geo-Localization
Quan Chen, Tingyu Wang, Rongfeng Lu, Bolun Zheng, Zhedong Zheng, Chenggang Yan
UAV-view Geo-Localization (UVGL) presents substantial challenges, primarily due to appearance differences between drone-view and satellite-view. Existing methods develop partition learning strategies aimed at mining more comprehensive information by constructing diverse part-level feature representations, which rely on consistent cross-view scales. However, variations of UAV flight state leads to the scale mismatch of cross-views, resulting in serious performance degradation of partition-based methods. To overcome this issue, we propose a partition learning framework based on relative distance, which alleviates the dependence on scale consistency while mining fine-grained features. Specifically, we propose a distance guided dynamic partition learning strategy (DGDPL), consisting of a square partition strategy and a dynamic-guided adjustment strategy. The former is utilized to extract fine-grained features and global features in a simple manner. The latter calculates the relative distance ratio between drone- and satellite-view to adjust the partition size, thereby aligning the semantic information between partition pairs. Furthermore, we propose a saliency-guided refinement strategy to refine part-level features, so as to further improve the retrieval accuracy. Extensive experiments show that our approach achieves superior geo-localization accuracy across various scale-inconsistent scenarios, and exhibits remarkable robustness against scale variations. The code will be released.
Submitted: Dec 16, 2024