Paper ID: 2412.12793
CRoF: CLIP-based Robust Few-shot Learning on Noisy Labels
Shizhuo Deng, Bowen Han, Jiaqi Chen, Hao Wang, Dongyue Chen, Tong Jia
Noisy labels threaten the robustness of few-shot learning (FSL) due to the inexact features in a new domain. CLIP, a large-scale vision-language model, performs well in FSL on image-text embedding similarities, but it is susceptible to misclassification caused by noisy labels. How to enhance domain generalization of CLIP on noisy data within FSL tasks is a critical challenge. In this paper, we provide a novel view to mitigate the influence of noisy labels, CLIP-based Robust Few-shot learning (CRoF). CRoF is a general plug-in module for CLIP-based models. To avoid misclassification and confused label embedding, we design the few-shot task-oriented prompt generator to give more discriminative descriptions of each category. The proposed prompt achieves larger distances of inter-class textual embedding. Furthermore, rather than fully trusting zero-shot classification by CLIP, we fine-tune CLIP on noisy few-shot data in a new domain with a weighting strategy like label-smooth. The weights for multiple potentially correct labels consider the relationship between CLIP's prior knowledge and original label information to ensure reliability. Our multiple label loss function further supports robust training under this paradigm. Comprehensive experiments show that CRoF, as a plug-in, outperforms fine-tuned and vanilla CLIP models on different noise types and noise ratios.
Submitted: Dec 17, 2024