Paper ID: 2412.13533

Language-guided Medical Image Segmentation with Target-informed Multi-level Contrastive Alignments

Mingjian Li, Mingyuan Meng, Shuchang Ye, David Dagan Feng, Lei Bi, Jinman Kim

Medical image segmentation is crucial in modern medical image analysis, which can aid into diagnosis of various disease conditions. Recently, language-guided segmentation methods have shown promising results in automating image segmentation where text reports are incorporated as guidance. These text reports, containing image impressions and insights given by clinicians, provides auxiliary guidance. However, these methods neglect the inherent pattern gaps between the two distinct modalities, which leads to sub-optimal image-text feature fusion without proper cross-modality feature alignments. Contrastive alignments are widely used to associate image-text semantics in representation learning; however, it has not been exploited to bridge the pattern gaps in language-guided segmentation that relies on subtle low level image details to represent diseases. Existing contrastive alignment methods typically algin high-level global image semantics without involving low-level, localized target information, and therefore fails to explore fine-grained text guidance for language-guided segmentation. In this study, we propose a language-guided segmentation network with Target-informed Multi-level Contrastive Alignments (TMCA). TMCA enables target-informed cross-modality alignments and fine-grained text guidance to bridge the pattern gaps in language-guided segmentation. Specifically, we introduce: 1) a target-sensitive semantic distance module that enables granular image-text alignment modelling, and 2) a multi-level alignment strategy that directs text guidance on low-level image features. In addition, a language-guided target enhancement module is proposed to leverage the aligned text to redirect attention to focus on critical localized image features. Extensive experiments on 4 image-text datasets, involving 3 medical imaging modalities, demonstrated that our TMCA achieved superior performances.

Submitted: Dec 18, 2024