Paper ID: 2412.13684
MMO-IG: Multi-Class and Multi-Scale Object Image Generation for Remote Sensing
Chuang Yang, Bingxuan Zhao, Qing Zhou, Qi Wang
The rapid advancement of deep generative models (DGMs) has significantly advanced research in computer vision, providing a cost-effective alternative to acquiring vast quantities of expensive imagery. However, existing methods predominantly focus on synthesizing remote sensing (RS) images aligned with real images in a global layout view, which limits their applicability in RS image object detection (RSIOD) research. To address these challenges, we propose a multi-class and multi-scale object image generator based on DGMs, termed MMO-IG, designed to generate RS images with supervised object labels from global and local aspects simultaneously. Specifically, from the local view, MMO-IG encodes various RS instances using an iso-spacing instance map (ISIM). During the generation process, it decodes each instance region with iso-spacing value in ISIM-corresponding to both background and foreground instances-to produce RS images through the denoising process of diffusion models. Considering the complex interdependencies among MMOs, we construct a spatial-cross dependency knowledge graph (SCDKG). This ensures a realistic and reliable multidirectional distribution among MMOs for region embedding, thereby reducing the discrepancy between source and target domains. Besides, we propose a structured object distribution instruction (SODI) to guide the generation of synthesized RS image content from a global aspect with SCDKG-based ISIM together. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our MMO-IG exhibits superior generation capabilities for RS images with dense MMO-supervised labels, and RS detectors pre-trained with MMO-IG show excellent performance on real-world datasets.
Submitted: Dec 18, 2024