Paper ID: 2412.13875
Denoising Nearest Neighbor Graph via Continuous CRF for Visual Re-ranking without Fine-tuning
Jaeyoon Kim, Yoonki Cho, Taeyong Kim, Sung-Eui Yoon
Visual re-ranking using Nearest Neighbor graph~(NN graph) has been adapted to yield high retrieval accuracy, since it is beneficial to exploring an high-dimensional manifold and applicable without additional fine-tuning. The quality of visual re-ranking using NN graph, however, is limited to that of connectivity, i.e., edges of the NN graph. Some edges can be misconnected with negative images. This is known as a noisy edge problem, resulting in a degradation of the retrieval quality. To address this, we propose a complementary denoising method based on Continuous Conditional Random Field (C-CRF) that uses a statistical distance of our similarity-based distribution. This method employs the concept of cliques to make the process computationally feasible. We demonstrate the complementarity of our method through its application to three visual re-ranking methods, observing quality boosts in landmark retrieval and person re-identification (re-ID).
Submitted: Dec 18, 2024