Paper ID: 2412.14329
Embedding Cultural Diversity in Prototype-based Recommender Systems
Armin Moradi, Nicola Neophytou, Florian Carichon, Golnoosh Farnadi
Popularity bias in recommender systems can increase cultural overrepresentation by favoring norms from dominant cultures and marginalizing underrepresented groups. This issue is critical for platforms offering cultural products, as they influence consumption patterns and human perceptions. In this work, we address popularity bias by identifying demographic biases within prototype-based matrix factorization methods. Using the country of origin as a proxy for cultural identity, we link this demographic attribute to popularity bias by refining the embedding space learning process. First, we propose filtering out irrelevant prototypes to improve representativity. Second, we introduce a regularization technique to enforce a uniform distribution of prototypes within the embedding space. Across four datasets, our results demonstrate a 27\% reduction in the average rank of long-tail items and a 2\% reduction in the average rank of items from underrepresented countries. Additionally, our model achieves a 2\% improvement in HitRatio@10 compared to the state-of-the-art, highlighting that fairness is enhanced without compromising recommendation quality. Moreover, the distribution of prototypes leads to more inclusive explanations by better aligning items with diverse prototypes.
Submitted: Dec 18, 2024