Paper ID: 2412.14415

DriveGPT: Scaling Autoregressive Behavior Models for Driving

Xin Huang, Eric M. Wolff, Paul Vernaza, Tung Phan-Minh, Hongge Chen, David S. Hayden, Mark Edmonds, Brian Pierce, Xinxin Chen, Pratik Elias Jacob, Xiaobai Chen, Chingiz Tairbekov, Pratik Agarwal, Tianshi Gao, Yuning Chai, Siddhartha Srinivasa

We present DriveGPT, a scalable behavior model for autonomous driving. We model driving as a sequential decision making task, and learn a transformer model to predict future agent states as tokens in an autoregressive fashion. We scale up our model parameters and training data by multiple orders of magnitude, enabling us to explore the scaling properties in terms of dataset size, model parameters, and compute. We evaluate DriveGPT across different scales in a planning task, through both quantitative metrics and qualitative examples including closed-loop driving in complex real-world scenarios. In a separate prediction task, DriveGPT outperforms a state-of-the-art baseline and exhibits improved performance by pretraining on a large-scale dataset, further validating the benefits of data scaling.

Submitted: Dec 19, 2024