Paper ID: 2412.14570

Characterising Simulation-Based Program Equilibria

Emery Cooper, Caspar Oesterheld, Vincent Conitzer

In Tennenholtz's program equilibrium, players of a game submit programs to play on their behalf. Each program receives the other programs' source code and outputs an action. This can model interactions involving AI agents, mutually transparent institutions, or commitments. Tennenholtz (2004) proves a folk theorem for program games, but the equilibria constructed are very brittle. We therefore consider simulation-based programs -- i.e., programs that work by running opponents' programs. These are relatively robust (in particular, two programs that act the same are treated the same) and are more practical than proof-based approaches. Oesterheld's (2019) $\epsilon$Grounded$\pi$Bot is such an approach. Unfortunately, it is not generally applicable to games of three or more players, and only allows for a limited range of equilibria in two player games. In this paper, we propose a generalisation to Oesterheld's (2019) $\epsilon$Grounded$\pi$Bot. We prove a folk theorem for our programs in a setting with access to a shared source of randomness. We then characterise their equilibria in a setting without shared randomness. Both with and without shared randomness, we achieve a much wider range of equilibria than Oesterheld's (2019) $\epsilon$Grounded$\pi$Bot. Finally, we explore the limits of simulation-based program equilibrium, showing that the Tennenholtz folk theorem cannot be attained by simulation-based programs without access to shared randomness.

Submitted: Dec 19, 2024