Paper ID: 2412.16503
First-frame Supervised Video Polyp Segmentation via Propagative and Semantic Dual-teacher Network
Qiang Hu, Mei Liu, Qiang Li, Zhiwei Wang
Automatic video polyp segmentation plays a critical role in gastrointestinal cancer screening, but the cost of frameby-frame annotations is prohibitively high. While sparse-frame supervised methods have reduced this burden proportionately, the cost remains overwhelming for long-duration videos and large-scale datasets. In this paper, we, for the first time, reduce the annotation cost to just a single frame per polyp video, regardless of the video's length. To this end, we introduce a new task, First-Frame Supervised Video Polyp Segmentation (FSVPS), and propose a novel Propagative and Semantic Dual-Teacher Network (PSDNet). Specifically, PSDNet adopts a teacher-student framework but employs two distinct types of teachers: the propagative teacher and the semantic teacher. The propagative teacher is a universal object tracker that propagates the first-frame annotation to subsequent frames as pseudo labels. However, tracking errors may accumulate over time, gradually degrading the pseudo labels and misguiding the student model. To address this, we introduce the semantic teacher, an exponential moving average of the student model, which produces more stable and time-invariant pseudo labels. PSDNet merges the pseudo labels from both teachers using a carefully-designed back-propagation strategy. This strategy assesses the quality of the pseudo labels by tracking them backward to the first frame. High-quality pseudo labels are more likely to spatially align with the firstframe annotation after this backward tracking, ensuring more accurate teacher-to-student knowledge transfer and improved segmentation performance. Benchmarking on SUN-SEG, the largest VPS dataset, demonstrates the competitive performance of PSDNet compared to fully-supervised approaches, and its superiority over sparse-frame supervised state-of-the-arts with a minimum improvement of 4.5% in Dice score.
Submitted: Dec 21, 2024